Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Bust out the jams

3 days later and I'm updating this space again, can you hear the appause in my own head...? I'm going to keep this short though. Yesterday evening myself, Kev and Tim all ended up showing to practice a little early. All day we were sending messages back and forth like we usually do on practice days. There was a common excitement that filled these messages and when we all ended up getting to our practice spot we had one goal in mind...new jams!

We got right to it and a new song was created minus the bass and vocals of course. Tonight and the rest of the week we should be ironing out those details as bones and bennett will be heading up for a few days. These guys have to drive from about 2 hours everytime they come to practice and with the price of gas right now it's making sense for myself, Kev and Tim work on things when they aren't here and showing them the songs once they arrive. So I'm guessing the majority of this week will be focused on having these two learn there parts for this new song and tighten up the other new one. I'm hoping that song titles become more evident or refering to songs as new songs will quickly become redundant.

Oh and there some light plans for a band field trip tonight to the almight godcity. More on that depending on what happens...


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